View the latest updates and changes to OddsRabbit.
[0.7.2] - 2025-01-13
- Adjusted sidebar block wrapper padding for better spacing
- Increased community info content max height and adjusted font size
- Enhanced post feed item styling with improved hover effects and spacing
- Updated container width selector for better responsive behavior
- Enhanced posted origin link styling with hover effects and improved layout
- Updated user and community icon styling for better visual consistency
- Improved infinite scroll implementation with better error handling and end-of-content messaging
- Adjusted rabbit loader margin for better spacing
- Refined media query breakpoints for responsive layouts
- Adjusted community banner height to 100px for better visual consistency
- Updated image dimension requirements and documentation in community settings
- Enhanced image upload validation with improved error handling
- Improved image processing to prevent upscaling and maintain quality
- Excluded test community posts from main feed query
- Code cleanup and formatting improvements
[0.7.1] - 2025-01-12
- Refactored post content processing into separate block processor classes for better maintainability
- Split block processing logic into DescriptionBlockProcessor, FullPostBlockProcessor, and TextOnlyBlockProcessor
- Moved link processing logic into dedicated LinkProcessor class
- Improved code organization in PostView class by removing duplicate code
- Removed redundant script localization in community and homepage templates
- Refactored authentication API calls to use makeAPICall helper for better consistency
- Updated media query breakpoints for improved responsive behavior
- Enhanced container transitions and responsive widths in core CSS
- Standardized REST authentication to use wp_rest nonce
- Added missing namespace imports in PostView class to resolve undefined type errors
- Fixed paragraph combination logic in DescriptionBlockProcessor to properly merge multiple consecutive paragraphs
- Added null check for scrollable-left-nav element to prevent JavaScript errors
- Prevented image upscaling and improved crop calculations in image upload endpoint to maintain better image quality
- Added minimum dimension requirements for uploaded images
[0.7.0] - 2025-01-11
- Horizontal scrollbar styling to match vertical scrollbar appearance
- Added sticky post functionality for community posts with admin controls
- Added mobile parameter support to oddsrabbit_search shortcode
- Added overflow-x hidden to left nav header to prevent horizontal scrolling
- Added blur effect indicators to scrollable navigation to improve UX for scrollable content
- Added meta description generation for community posts to improve SEO
- Improved post sorting to prioritize last commented date
- Reduced post creation success message delay from 2s to 0.5s
- Enhanced text sanitization across post titles and comments
- Improved newsletter preview functionality with dedicated template
- Removed redundant error messages in user authentication flows
- Updated comment links to directly scroll to comments section
- Updated timezone handling to assume input times are in Pacific Time
- Updated account settings to use specific enqueue functions for styles and scripts
- Refactored enqueue functions to use separate enqueue_style_with_hash and enqueue_script_with_hash for better clarity
- Changed 'all' community slug to 'latest' for better clarity
- Improved scroll indicators in navigation with dynamic top/bottom fade effects based on scroll position
- Fixed mobile search container width styling
[0.6.1] - 2025-01-10
- Enhanced post meta header styling and community icon display
- Improved newsletter email template for better Gmail compatibility
- Updated VSCode settings to ignore pro theme directory
- Modified
class to useinitial
display property - Refined scrollbar styling for better consistency
[0.6.0] - 2025-01-10
- New subscription management interface with improved plan selection
- New community subscription confirmation workflow
- Restructured community subscription pages and components for better user experience
- Enhanced dashboard UI with updated CSS styling
- Improved newsletter and subscription popup interfaces
- Updated community creator and info display components
- Various CSS improvements and consistency fixes across community pages
- Enhanced image upload handling in community settings
- Improved newsletter processing and popup behavior
[0.5.5] - 2025-01-05
- Fixed file paths in require_once statements for community REST routes
[0.5.4] - 2025-01-05
- Updated wording in community creation page to clarify management of general topic communities
- Improved newsletter leave confirmation message for better clarity
- Fixed vendor autoload paths in Mail and Stripe-related files for better reliability
- Reorganized file loading order in Stripe webhook files for proper initialization
[0.5.3] - 2025-01-05
- Completely rebuilt changelog HTML structure to ensure proper nesting and organization
[0.5.2] - 2025-01-05
- Fixed HTML structure in changelog page where lists were not properly closed before new sections
[0.5.1] - 2025-01-05
- User avatar not displaying in header due to incorrect user ID property case
- Added to deployment workflow
[0.5.0] - 2025-01-05
- Public changelog page for viewing version history
- Changelog management system with standardized rules
- New notifications management interface for account settings
- Optimized user notification settings updates using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
- Reorganized JavaScript library structure (moved selectable-list.js to oddsrabbit subfolder)
- Updated composer dependencies
- Refined CSS styling for forms and core components
[0.4.1] - 2025-01-04
- Added null check for
when determining community membership status
[0.4.0] - 2025-01-04
- Added REST endpoint for users to toggle community newsletter subscription status
[0.3.0] - 2025-01-03
- Newsletter subscription option when joining a community
- Added community type selection with three options: brand/creator communities, niche communities, and general topic communities
- Fixed duplicate closing paragraph tag in monetization section
- Improved newsletter description wording
- Status field for communities with default 'pending' state
- Auto-publish status for general communities
- Improved HTML structure and consistency in user feed items display
- Refactored user feed items to use direct HTML instead of echo statements
- Refactored communities-feed-item.php to use direct HTML instead of echo statement for better readability
- Improved HTML structure in communities feed item template for better maintainability
- Modified excerpt generation to prevent words from being cut off in search results
- Community search now properly finds partial matches (e.g., "stockninja" matches "")
- Changed INNER JOIN to LEFT JOIN in getLatestPosts query to include posts from users without avatars
[0.2.0] - 2025-01-03
- Newsletter subscription option when joining a community
- Added community type selection with three options: brand/creator communities, niche communities, and general topic communities
- Fixed duplicate closing paragraph tag in monetization section
- Improved newsletter description wording
- Status field for communities with default 'pending' state
- Improved HTML structure and consistency in user feed items display
- Refactored user feed items to use direct HTML instead of echo statements
- Modified excerpt generation to prevent words from being cut off in search results
- Community search now properly finds partial matches (e.g., "stockninja" matches "")
- Changed INNER JOIN to LEFT JOIN in getLatestPosts query to include posts from users without avatars