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New feature: Newsletter Preview
OddsRabbit /c/OddsRabbit 4 weeks ago

New feature: Newsletter Preview

It's been a while since my last feature update on oddsrabbit (still deciding between oddsrabbit and OddsRabbit - what do you think?)

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Creating a box-shadow on only one side of an element
webdev /c/webdev 6 months ago

Creating a box-shadow on only one side of an element

For those of you out there who are looking to learn how to create a one-sided shadow effect to an element in CSS. First I recommend using a site like getcssscan (beautiful css shadow examples) to find a shadow style you like. You won't be able to create a better looking box-shadow on your own, trust me. Next what you're looking for is clip-path. This will give you the clean one-...

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New OddsRabbit Icon
OddsRabbit /c/OddsRabbit 7 months ago

New OddsRabbit Icon

@jingjunma spent 15 minutes putting together a new logo for OddsRabbit. It's a bit simple for sure but it's a great start, and something we can upgrade in the future (if needed!)

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Post commenting fixed
OddsRabbit /c/OddsRabbit 7 months ago

Post commenting fixed

Hey all, noticed that post commenting actually went down during our user system overhaul. This issue has been fixed and commenting on posts is now back live.

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New user system rolled out
OddsRabbit /c/OddsRabbit 7 months ago

New user system rolled out

Hey everyone, want to announce that we've rolled out our new user system over the past few days. That includes a new login modal, a sign-up modal, and page re-designs, including the login, sign-up, and account pages. This new user/authentication system should help streamline the OddsRabbit experience and allow us more flexibility in designing a great customer experience in the future.

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API Refactored
OddsRabbit /c/OddsRabbit 7 months ago

API Refactored

Just wrapped up a quick refactoring of our API, which should be public soon. The new endpoint structure will be /api/oddsrabbit/v1/{function_group/{function} Will share more details once our API is available.

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User posting re-enabled
OddsRabbit /c/OddsRabbit 7 months ago

User posting re-enabled

I'm sorry it's been ~ two weeks without much of an update. I've been going through the waves with a bit of illness, and most of the work has been behind the scenes, which I'll share about in another post. In the meantime, the user system - login, signup, account, etc. has been rebuilt from the ground up, and posting has now been re-enabled. Woohoo! Side note: I need to build a /gif feature so I don't have to look one up every time.

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